Early feedback I've been getting from the people who went for the workshop and concert is really good.
I'm so happy that Kuching has been blessed by 1am.. after all, that is our mission:
Yep! And I am so glad that it has been accomplished in Kuching. And I must say that I feel so honoured to be part of this ministry that really seeks to impact people.
But do leave me some comments, if you guys happened to be there in Kuching then. I would really love to hear from you guys. Okay? :)
Mmm look. Picture. I stole this from Max's Friendster site, and I want to try posting photos here. This is taken during the 1DAY Faith Over Fear event. 6 August 2005.

Max aptly named it '1DAY, 1Family'. I couldn't agree more. The picture, by the way is that of those of us from LUCT (yes, I'm even counting in Steven, our dear not-so-young campus minister HAHA.. can you tell which one he is? The guy in black shirt and blue jeans in front of me, by the way. Can't really tell that he's a good 38 years old with an 11-month old daughter, can you? :P) who stayed over in church that night to pray for the event. The rest hadn't arrived at that point in time. I suppose it was one of those moments where an innocent few people wanted to take a photo, but when the others saw it (the narcissists we all are) decided to crash the photo. Hence... *points above* I think we switched poses at least 5 times as well. Ha.
Bill Wilson's in town! He's the guy who pioneers some huge Sunday School thing for the inner city kids in New York. He has 20,000 kids under his wing man! Inspiring guy. Therefore, Ally, Ju, Liz and I are going to be listening to him speak in Wisma MCA Ampang tomorrow night for our discipleship. Way cool.
Switching pcs to the front of the class because Pres Tech is going to start. Will edit later.
Okay, I'm back. And I feel inspired to edit now, so I will. Even though I'm supposed to be doing assignments in class, i.e. photoshopping some pictures.
Debbie's leaving back for Indonesia this week. That's sad. :( Who ask architorture course in LUCT to be so good/crappy (really, it's quite good but...) till she has to go back to Indo to study? Bah. Anyway, we're having a little farewell thingy for her this Wednesday. A hush-hush event, of course. What else?
Lost the inspiration, haha. Back to Photoshop for now. Lecturer just said this exercise is worth 20 friggin' marks! Goodbye, people. (I have 2 weeks to finish this in-class assignment. Gah.) 20 marks?!
I'm so happy that Kuching has been blessed by 1am.. after all, that is our mission:
"Our mission is to inspire worship and affect the media and performing arts, leading people to embrace the presence of GOD."
Yep! And I am so glad that it has been accomplished in Kuching. And I must say that I feel so honoured to be part of this ministry that really seeks to impact people.
But do leave me some comments, if you guys happened to be there in Kuching then. I would really love to hear from you guys. Okay? :)
Mmm look. Picture. I stole this from Max's Friendster site, and I want to try posting photos here. This is taken during the 1DAY Faith Over Fear event. 6 August 2005.

Max aptly named it '1DAY, 1Family'. I couldn't agree more. The picture, by the way is that of those of us from LUCT (yes, I'm even counting in Steven, our dear not-so-young campus minister HAHA.. can you tell which one he is? The guy in black shirt and blue jeans in front of me, by the way. Can't really tell that he's a good 38 years old with an 11-month old daughter, can you? :P) who stayed over in church that night to pray for the event. The rest hadn't arrived at that point in time. I suppose it was one of those moments where an innocent few people wanted to take a photo, but when the others saw it (the narcissists we all are) decided to crash the photo. Hence... *points above* I think we switched poses at least 5 times as well. Ha.
Bill Wilson's in town! He's the guy who pioneers some huge Sunday School thing for the inner city kids in New York. He has 20,000 kids under his wing man! Inspiring guy. Therefore, Ally, Ju, Liz and I are going to be listening to him speak in Wisma MCA Ampang tomorrow night for our discipleship. Way cool.
Switching pcs to the front of the class because Pres Tech is going to start. Will edit later.
Okay, I'm back. And I feel inspired to edit now, so I will. Even though I'm supposed to be doing assignments in class, i.e. photoshopping some pictures.
Debbie's leaving back for Indonesia this week. That's sad. :( Who ask architorture course in LUCT to be so good/crappy (really, it's quite good but...) till she has to go back to Indo to study? Bah. Anyway, we're having a little farewell thingy for her this Wednesday. A hush-hush event, of course. What else?
Lost the inspiration, haha. Back to Photoshop for now. Lecturer just said this exercise is worth 20 friggin' marks! Goodbye, people. (I have 2 weeks to finish this in-class assignment. Gah.) 20 marks?!
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