Note: Most of the photos are in my Multiply. I'm only putting some here, heh.
So Chun Wen and I arrived in Segamat to join Max and Chua last Sunday around 2.30pm after an arduous 3-hour trip aboard a Transnasional bus which had stinky air-con...
The camp was amazing...of the 24-odd teens, 21 either got saved or recommited. So 3 left to go...hehe... However, to talk about the entire camp would be too long and uninteresting for you people, I think, so I'll just mention the important things:

We squashed each other building a pyramid. We wanted to do the cheerleader-style one, but it would have been too difficult, so we resorted to lying down on each other. Oof!

My group came in last. *Cries* But it's okay.. we had a lot of fun!!! :) Thanks to Zhen Dong a.k.a John, the brown-haired monkey wearing white holding the kid.. he is such a super-funny guy!

The 'Dao shi' or group supervisors (that's us!) were all great. Heh. :) Look! They made us pretend to be King Kong...

Everyone went back super-happy after the camp. New friends made, relationship with God strengthened, hurray!

Food in Segamat was amazing.. the Dim Sum, Bak Kut Teh, Cam C... Bee Sean made us eat so much! Heh... Get a load of all that dim sum.. and the bak kut teh.

I almost took revenge on Max for the pool incident, but sadly, he didn't get wet... :)

Bee Sean did such an amazing job as camp commander. This trip was so eye-opening for me. I feel so pushed to grow faster because this girl I'm leading is so special! (And so are the rest. :D)

The city kids in Segamat..... We're such posers le. I think I've been learning how to pose more, haha.
Anyway Segamat rocked la. What with RM1 fried chicken and 20sens satay, it was ony when I was there that I realised what a total city-girl I am. I was going nuts over the cheap things there. Can you believe that a meal for 9 of us cost only RM30.50?! RM0.50 for a glass of iced herbal tea that costs RM1.30 here in KL?! Plus Bee Seans' parents were so hospitable, as were Faith's grandparents. The people were so warm and friendly. I must make a trip back there again. Soon. And this time, it'll be aboard a nicer, newer, Transnasional bus that doesn't stink. Heh.
Note: Most of the photos are in my Multiply. I'm only putting some here, heh.
So Chun Wen and I arrived in Segamat to join Max and Chua last Sunday around 2.30pm after an arduous 3-hour trip aboard a Transnasional bus which had stinky air-con...
The camp was amazing...of the 24-odd teens, 21 either got saved or recommited. So 3 left to go...hehe... However, to talk about the entire camp would be too long and uninteresting for you people, I think, so I'll just mention the important things:

We squashed each other building a pyramid. We wanted to do the cheerleader-style one, but it would have been too difficult, so we resorted to lying down on each other. Oof!

My group came in last. *Cries* But it's okay.. we had a lot of fun!!! :) Thanks to Zhen Dong a.k.a John, the brown-haired monkey wearing white holding the kid.. he is such a super-funny guy!

The 'Dao shi' or group supervisors (that's us!) were all great. Heh. :) Look! They made us pretend to be King Kong...

Everyone went back super-happy after the camp. New friends made, relationship with God strengthened, hurray!

Food in Segamat was amazing.. the Dim Sum, Bak Kut Teh, Cam C... Bee Sean made us eat so much! Heh... Get a load of all that dim sum.. and the bak kut teh.

I almost took revenge on Max for the pool incident, but sadly, he didn't get wet... :)

Bee Sean did such an amazing job as camp commander. This trip was so eye-opening for me. I feel so pushed to grow faster because this girl I'm leading is so special! (And so are the rest. :D)

The city kids in Segamat..... We're such posers le. I think I've been learning how to pose more, haha.
Anyway Segamat rocked la. What with RM1 fried chicken and 20sens satay, it was ony when I was there that I realised what a total city-girl I am. I was going nuts over the cheap things there. Can you believe that a meal for 9 of us cost only RM30.50?! RM0.50 for a glass of iced herbal tea that costs RM1.30 here in KL?! Plus Bee Seans' parents were so hospitable, as were Faith's grandparents. The people were so warm and friendly. I must make a trip back there again. Soon. And this time, it'll be aboard a nicer, newer, Transnasional bus that doesn't stink. Heh.
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