Monday, February 27, 2006

In college.

Just had my progress for Design checked by Azren. So far, all is looking well, because I've actually done pretty intensive research this time around. By God's grace, I'll be able to keep this up till the end of semester and *crosses fingers* be able to pass the mIFA selection process.. ;)

Went back to my granny's place for the weekend. She was discharged from the hospital on Friday! I am so, so, so happy! God works miracles, you see. But I still will not cease praying till she's completely and totally healed! :)

Went shopping with 2 cousins, Madeline and Kevin yesterday in Bkt Bintang. It's been such a long time since we went out together. Had a great time, but I found myself thinking more about fabrication techniques as I looked at the clothes...

Bought a pair of Scholl shoes! It's the first time I've spent such a bomb on a pair of shoes, but my mum's logic is that the amount I usually spend on slippers and shoes (RM20 - RM30plus), and their durability (6mths, max), is equal to splurging one time on a pair of shoes that will last for a long, long time.

*Shrugs* Hey, I'll take it. It's not everyday your mum comes up to you and approves you spending RM158 on a pair of shoes ok? Whahaha... Plus, they are super comfy, so I'm happy.

Had a great yum cha session with Judy, Sewei, Bern and Nic after that at Jln Puchong. It's fun hanging with them, because I never, ever get bored. Plus, my endorphin levels always shoot up after some time with them. :D

Anyway, need to do more research now. The whole hecticness of college life has started already. And I'm really quite enjoying this.

Keep this up, Carol, keep this up!


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