Carol awoke to the silence around her. She wearily glanced at the time on her handphone as she reflected on what had happened the night before. 9am, read her handphone. She groaned at the pain in her stomach. Oh. Goodness. It felt like someone or something was dancing the tango, the rhumba and the lambada all at once inside.
Stumbling inside her room, she collapsed onto her bed in a fit of pain. She frantically searched her memory, wondering what could have caused this excruciating pain. Somewhere deep inside her (vaguely) functioning memory, a mental freeze-frame of her lifting up a picnic table with Max and little pieces of dirt in her hand appeared.
Oh no. She had forgotten to wash her hands after that and had eaten chicken wings with her fingers. Some funky bacteria must have gotten into her stomach, and it was now obviously having the time of its life in there.
She groaned again as the pain grew in intensity. Reaching for her phone, she messaged Ade to tell him that she would most probably be late for 1am youth meeting as she was, well, practically invalid at that moment.
After 20 minutes, she finally felt human enough to weakly manouevre herself to the bathroom to wash up, after which she popped some chinese stomach pain pills, washed down with a few cups of water. After getting dressed, she walked slowly to catch the bus to church.
Aboard the bus, she groaned as she realised she had forgotten to take something into account - motion sickness. Carol was very prone to bouts of motion sickness aboard the bus, which was hardly surprising because Metrobus drivers had this annoying tendency of thinking that they were potential F1 - Bus Grand Prix drivers.
'Hold it in,' she told herself, forcing whatever was in her stomach to stay where it was. But alas, it was not to be, she leant over to face the floor as the water she had drunk earlier (that now tasted of Chinese medicine) came gushing out.
'Gross!' she thought as she frantically searched for a piece of tissue. Upon finding a couple of pieces and wiping her face, she leant back on the seat, closed her eyes, and willed everything else to stay down.
But you see right, motion sickness is not something you can play with. Within 10 minutes, she was puking out more clear water.
A shadow loomed over her and she heard a voice boom 'Eh amoi, kalau nak muntah turun sini!' It was the bus conductor. Oh, how embarassing. Now everyone on the bus knew she had thrown up.
'Sorry, sorry. Nak turun dah,' she managed to say weakly. He cast her an evil look as he walked away.
At her stop, she stumbled off the bus and started walking the 300meters more it would take for her to reach the church. 10 steps into her journey, she squatted down beside the grass, and the last of her 3cups of water came out. Groaning, she continued her very long walk to church.
And slept when she reached there.
At 3pm, she went with Ade, Vincent, and Melanie (Kel's daughter) to Tesco. If it were not for the fact that she had to withdraw money to pay Kel for 1am academy, she would have much preferred to snooze away her pain.
Carol stood in line to the ATM and tried to dismiss the strange dizziness she felt. The moment it was her turn, she tried to key in her details as quickly as possible, leaning her head against the machine as the world threatened to crash around her. When she got her money, she hurried towards the toilet nearby as the shops seemed to sway and swirl around her. Inside the toilet, she leant over the basin and tried to vomit, but nothing came out. (As you remember, everything had come out). A nice concerned lady next to her asked if she was okay.
'Yeah, I'm fine,' she replied. 'Just some dizziness and stomachpain'
'Oh, do you need some Panadol?' enquired The Lady.
'It's okay... it's just some dizziness' she said weakly.
'Uh are you.....' the lady let her sentence trail off.
Was she what, wondered Carol. Oh goodness. Was the lady trying to ask if she was pregnant?! What an insane thought. Carol had never as much held a guy's hand THAT WAY before, much less anything more! If she hadn't been feeling so sick, she would have laughed her guts out.
Finally, the world settled around her. She made her way down to KFC where everyone else was. Ade, being the nice teddy bear that he was, forced her to eat a bun. Then they returned to church, and the long evening ahead.
In case you were wondering, Carol is feeling better now. Her stomach still disagrees with her, but it isn't as bad now. However, she suspects that she needs to buy Zentel to get rid of any potential tapeworms in her system. And yes, it's 1.00am. Carol needs to sleep. Goodnight, everyone. :)
Nothing major has happened yet. And I'm thankful. We're still waiting to see if the new medication is having any effect on my grandma. Hopefully, all will be well.
"But in anything and everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of Christ, which transcends all known understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in the knowledge of Christ Jesus" - Philippians 4:6,7 (NIV)
Okay I don't know if I got the entire verse right. This is one of the verses I memorised from One2One, from the Prayer chapter. :P
Anyway. A little story below. I can't bring myself to put 'I' into the sentences, so I'll do this from a third person point of view, okay?
Carol sat in the multipurpose hall of ECF, feeling strangely detached from the things going on around her. It was Thursday, which was also 1am academy day. Though she smiled at everyone, cracked jokes and funny comments, she was also strangely quiet. She was very preoccupied with her thoughts, especially concerning her ailing grandmother.
Her phone beeped, signalling the arrival of a text message from her father. She grabbed her phone off the music stand and quickly scanned the message. 'Grandma sleeping most of the time. Occasionally opens eyes for a short time. Could hear and nod head.'
She set the phone down on the music stand as emotions came crashing down on her. Regret mixed with sadness. All her worry for her grandma, coupled with all that had been happening throughout the week and the coldness of certain people raged a storm in her heart. She stared blankly at the hall, her mind a million miles away as piano class continued around her.
Her phone beeped again. She unlocked the keypad and pressed 'Read'. As she read, her already overwhelming emotions threatened to overflow. It was the person who had caused her hurt over the past few weeks. (S)he had been extremely cold and unwelcome. Little efforts on her part to make things right had been useless. Now she read h(er/is) message, which was quite apologetic in tone. The person said that (s)he was sorry that (s)he had been so cold, there'd been lots of work, it wasn't that (s)he was unwilling etc.
Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. She took her phone and walked out of the hall as she searched for somewhere quiet where she could still herself and her emotions. The fellowship area? Nah, too many people. The library? Meeting. Finally, she walked into the office. Thankfully, it was quiet. No one except for a lone YA planning some games for the church camp was there.
Carol took a seat on the chair in front of the volunteer PC and proceeded to stare at her phone. She took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself down. Just as she thought it was working, her phone rang. It was her mother.
'Hi mummy,' she said.
'Hello girl. Where are you?' her mum replied.
Carol replied that she was in church having music practice and proceeded to ask her mum about her grandma's condition.
'Not too good,' her mum replied frankly. 'She's having difficulty breathing, and is on full oxygen intake right now. We don't know how effective the new medicine is yet. We need to wait a couple more days before the doctors can tell,'
'Okay..... what else?' asked Carol.
'Well, the doctor had a meeting with us yesterday. He told us very frankly about your grandma's condition and asked us for permission to put her on a ventilator if necessary, that is, if she has anymore trouble breathing. It costs RM3000 a day, you know,'
'Three thousand a day?!' Carol blurted out, a little too loudly. That was an insane amount!
She continued talking to her mum for a little longer. After a little bit more of updates and typical motherly advice, she hung up the phone as her emotions raged even more strongly within.
She wished she could be there at home in Kuching. How she could help if she were back, she had no idea, but hey, at least she was home right? At least she could be there right? Carol closed her eyes in a final effort to control herself.
But it was futile. The tears finally spilled out from under her closed eyelids. Silent sobs that racked her body. Tears that seemed neverending. She sobbed silently for what seemed like forever as the YA respectfully and tactfully didn't ask her anything.
Finally, she managed to still herself. She walked over to PC's desk and pulled a couple pieces of tissue from the tissue box and wiped her tears away. Time to get back to class, she decided.
Even as she walked back into the hall and faced the questioning eyes of all those who had noticed her sudden and lengthy departure, her emotions overwhelmed her once again and the tears spilled out. She scurried to a chair in a lonely corner as Kel asked her if she could still play. She shook her head and mouthed 'later'.
After a few rounds, there was no more escaping. She stilled herself (for good, this time), walked over to the piano and played under the watchful eyes of Kel.
Somehow, miraculously, the rest of the night went okay though she was still extraordinarily silent. She completed the class and went for Chinese service music practice. At last, she headed home, both physically and emotionally exhausted.
The message from the person still sat in her phone. However, this time, unlike the other times, she didn't feel compelled to reply with a forgiving message. Not yet. She wasn't ready yet. But she would, the next day, perhaps. After all, Carol was not the kind to hold on to grudges for so long. It wasn't worth it. Besides, Carol knew that she had to learn to love sacrifically, after all.
My paternal grandmother is sick. She's in the ICU of Normah. So don't be surprised if you see me really soon. (Yes, you too, Feli. Your earphones might be coming back under sad circumstances.)
I feel that over the past week, since I found out that she was ill, God has been preparing me for what could be the inevitable. The word I shared during Corporate Intercession from Psalm 23, the answer I never gave Ginny about what if a person dies though you've been praying for them....
But that doesn't make me any less scared. Not when I've been scared of death since I was a little girl.
It's better now. Because I've grown and matured, and I'm secure in the knowledge that death isn't the end of it all. If anything were to happen, I know that my grandma would be in heaven, free from all that wracking pain from arthritis and penumonia. That would be the best. Deep down inside, I'll rather have that happen than having her here, but in pain and suffering.
But my selfish human self doesn't want to let go. I've only - in a sense - reconciled with her and that side of the family around 5 years. Not enough time. The human in me doesn't want to accept the fact that in the end, death comes to us all whether we like it or not. It will happen.
I'm leaving my weekend open, and not making any firm commitments. I'm ready to fly back to Kuching at a moment's notice, regardless of cost.
Ally told me to know that God's in control and to focus on Him. I am. But I'm still scared. But thank God for her. That's what disciplers are for.
I'm steeling myself, bracing for that phone call which might come, summoning me home. I don't know how I'll take it then. I don't know what I'll be like on the plane. If it does happen, I don't know how I'd react.
But what I do know is this: Through all this, God will be my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer. My Shelter, strong tower, my ever present help in times of need. He will be with me...through it all.
I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be online. Really. I shouldn't be posting.
What I should be doing is this:
1. Slaving over my Computer Graphics assignment. It is 80% done and is due to be handed up on Friday. Illustrator has caused permanent damaged to my eyesight. Oh Illustrator, you horribly wonderful vector-based programme...
2. Thinking of a design for my batik. Which is due in 2 1/2 weeks. No ideas yet. Woot.
3. Slaving over my pattern for my designs. Pattern also belum habis, garments due in 2 1/2 weeks. Watch me die, people.
4. Writing Typing my journal on retail design based on DKNY Starhill Gallery and Isetan Lot 10. Progress: 0%
5. Completing my presentation boards for assessment. Progress: Refer to above.
Yalah. I'm having a great time. Weehee!!!
Right. I'm confirmed to be moving into the supposed 'penthouse' in Block A, 12th floor. It is a lovely, lovely unit as well, just semi-furnished, but Lizzie and I don't mind. It's going to cost 1k a month, not including electricity and stuff, so we really need to find someone else to take the single bedroom. The master is mine, and the twin Lizzie's.
Was thinking that if I can't find someone while I'm here who's willing to take the single bedroom, I'll find people from Kuching who are going over, heh. Trust me, Kuching people, you do not want to move the the boondocks that is called Pulau Meranti.
We'll be moving in on 9th November. My rent expires on 10th Nov, and hers 9th. So it'll be pretty hectic, what with just coming back from church camp, and with all the assigns due. Oh well. What needs to be done needs to be done.
It's at times like these that I'm super-glad that I know wonderful people who can be called on to help. Moving stuff? Not a problem! There's the CSC (Christian Service Centre a.k.a Max's house) on the first floor. The *coughs hard* strong guys will do the lifting and carrying. *Keels over laughing*
Thanks guys. :)
The landlady's a nice person who's married with an adorable 4-yr old son. Met her just now with Lizzie.
So anyway. Back to supposed work for me. Aiyah. Need to push self. *Prods self* Move, Carol, move! :P
I ended up going for dinner with Max and BadBoyJoe. And I'm glad I did that.
We had a great time eating, talking and most importantly, fellowshipping.
You're wondering, 'Hah? Fellowshipping? Everytime we go out to eat with friends kan fellowshipping?'
Well dear people, I've a piece of news for you: Fellowshipping means when you go out with people, you talk about God-stuff. Not the newest movie out or this-guy-that-girl etc. Nope, not even about assignments. :P
We chatted over what a friend of Joe should do considering she just got saved, yet her family members insist that she do the whole 'pai-pai' joss-sticks thing. They are threatening some stuff lah, so we were just wondering what was the best thing to do.
Then asked Joe what he would do if he were put in a similar situation. I wouldn't tell you what we thought was the best, because it's all really about a matter of personal conviction. I don't want to start a 'no-you-shouldn't-do-that-you-should-do-this-instead' debate. Nah...
Asked Joe what finally made him decide to accept Christ and heard bits and parts of an interestingly long-winded testimony (He needs to learn to cut down. Testimonies maximum should be 5mins long. Otherwise people get bored how? Get to the point! Teehee) about his journey and stuff like that. Go Joe! :D
Then asked Max on how he came to know Christ (Christmas played a big part haha) then we talked about how changed lives are really the best testimony ever!
So yealah. Our dinner was about 1 1/2 hours long but it was super-fruitful. I truly believe that we were all strengthened and edified by it.
Bumped into Anson and Yanyan (2 China internationals) who happen to be my oikos. So started talking to Yanyan while Max and Joe talked to Anson. Hope we can bring them to church either on Saturday for SNL or on Sunday for Chinese service. See first.
It was good. Really really good. I have not spent time with God yet though, however I could feel Him talking to me just now. I really need to learn to deal with my emotions.
This year has been a year full of challenges, mountains and valleys. I've gone through some of my darkest and driest times, and experienced amazing victory, especially when I decided to surrender all to God. He's the best, really.
He's dealing with me in so many areas. Teaching me to surrender more to Him. Most of the time, I can feel Him whispering, 'Stop struggling, sweetheart. Give it all to me. Don't you trust me enough to know I want the best for you? Have I not proved myself over and over again to you?'
It's not easy to give it all to Him - Lordship is a continuous process after all - but I'm learning. With His guidance, and by always drawing strength from His Word, I know I can do it. God never disappoints.
I look forward to the 2 months left. It's going to be really hectic, what with projects to be handed up, camps, family vacation and Christmas. However, I sincerely trust that God's gonna use this time to further reveal himself to me and teach me more about Him. The Contender ECF Church Camp for one, would definitely be an amazing time!
I trust God. Full stop. I just need to learn to trust Him more. But by His grace, I will come out victorious. I know it! :)
Okay. I've lots of thought pouring through my head at the moment, so bear with me. Bear with this. It's going to a ranty, thoughtful post fraught with wonderings and slight insecurities. But don't be worried by it. I'll be fine. God always sees to that. It's just that I need to get this off my chest.
I was talking to Jason, one of the lawyers in my church yesterday as he was arranging the chairs. I was taking a break from piano practice and was holding a copy of Deception Point as I talked to him. We talked about many things, my lawyer dreams, a legal situation etc.
He asked me why I wanted be a lawyer, and I gave him my reasons. We talked a bit more, then he suddenly made this statement:
'Yeah, you seem like the type who likes to help people. You delight in helping people.'
I smiled and said,'Yeah. I do. But sometimes it's not good.'
After the conversation, I found myself thinking over his statement and my reply to it. It is true you know. I do love to help people. I delight in helping them, seeing them smile, knowing that I made that little of an impact in their lives.
However it's harmful. You see, over the course of time, I've seen how some people treat me when they need my help, and how the would when they don't. I've seen how easily they forget what I've done.
And I feel deeply hurt by it.
Oh I understand that I cant expect everyone to be like I am, and how I would react to certain situations etc. But I do at least expect a shred of decency and courtesy. Is that too much to ask?
I'm not asking for BaskinRobbins or Haegan Dazs. Im just wondering if you could have dinner with me because I've no one to have dinner with me tonight. Is that too much to ask?
I do feel underappreciated sometimes. It's just one of those things I need to overcome, really. I look around and I see people who do so many things for others knowing that people aren't probably going to be that thankful for them, but still doing it anyway. Why? Because they love those people.
PC loves us with all her heart. That's why she goes to such lengths to ensure that the ROCK Zone and SNL runs smoothly. Young people are her passion. She lives Kingdom, breathes Kingdom, sleeps Kingdom and eats Kingdom. I'm serious. And that's why she's impacted and shaped so many lives, though her bluntness has caused her to be misundertood. But we love her anyway, because of who she is.
Sharon takes care of so many people, and she learns from PC as well. She's so thoughtful, always buying little gifts for us. The shirt I wore for the show? She bought it for me, as well as countless other things. And she always takes time out for us. Dropping in on discipleship to see how we're doing. Encouraging us.
Ally. Just those four-letters alone symbolise a person who's guided me through so much these past two years. Putting up with me when I was still this arrogant I-think-I-know-it-all girl new to KL. Exhorting me, encouraging me. She's done so much.
And yet, so many of us don't appreciate them enough.
So who am I to expect and want others to appreciate me? I need to first learn to appreciate my leaders even more. I need to learn to love others more than I love myself, because that's what Christ did. Love is a powerful driving force. I'm learning that. That's why I do what I do. But the love I have now is not enough, because it is not yet the kind of sacrificial love that gives and expects nothing in return. That kind of love I need to learn from the one who is Love himself.
Sigh. I had a million and one things to say about this but it's evaporated from my mind. Which is just as well. Too much and the Devil would be hopping around my mind like a fiendish, hyperactive child on too much candy. And I will not let that happen.
I've still got lots of issues to settle with God. Lots of things to get out of in my bid to become who God wants me to be. Emotions to deal with. Thoughts to put aside. Changes in mindset.
I truly, truly, want to be able be who God wants me to be. I will do whatever it takes to do so. It might be painful, but the end result is worth it. A pruned rosebush always bears forth more beautiful roses.
Thoughts and emotions are still flooding my being at the moment. In times like this, I know that I need to get back to my room and have a good session with God and allow Him to speak into my life.
Would you breathe new life...breathe new life in me...
Oh, sorry guys, I set the access for the cheongsam pictures incorrectly.
The problem's been rectified already, so you can head over there now. Heh.
Just had a tiring day, going down to KL early in the morning to do research in Starhill and Isetan Lot 10. Met up with Joanne (hugs!) who was in Low Yat with her bf and some other guys. Bought Feli's earphones thingy. A print cartridge for Lizzie. Nothing for moi.
Got stood up by my lovely cousin who decided that it was more important to get his hair cut than see me. Lousy buffalo.
Walked around, then left for Megamall to wait for Bern to pick Aaron and I up. Took the chance to pop into Kamdar to buy soft net. Bumped into Gerardine and Kelvern who were on a date. Teehee. >.-
Rushed to church for friend came! Painted t-shirts which conveyed a message on what life means to us. I will post pictures of that too!
Dinner at pastor's place, then came back home. Discipleship with girls after a quick shower. Then now la.
Going to watch a movie later in my place - a Hong Kong evangelical movie called Life is a Miracle. It should be great! THe previous one I watched - The Miracle Box was superb. off. Lotsa stuff to do, and today (Saturday) will be another busy day. Normal lah. Heh.
I promised pictures, and here they are. :)
1Day 1God - the best event of the year!
I wanted to post up the cheongsam pictures in Multiply as well, but I have got a college server here which is really cacat, so I couldn't. My 3rd time trying summore! So how?
Eh wait a minute. I just checked my Multiply and it's there! Hooray! Ah therefore...
Cheongsam Fashion Show
Teaser picture:

I really, really hope that you'd enjoy the photos!
Anyway, I think that I'll be moving out of my current unit in Vista Prima soon. That's sad, really, because it's a beautiful unit. However, I don't really have much of a choice because the college wants to move those under their accommodation scheme away next July to what Sam would call 'the boondocks of all boondocks' - Pulau Meranti. Uh. Not going to move there. No public transport, no nothing, want me to die izzit? Heh. But the good news is that I'll most prolly be moving just a level below, to the 7th floor. Lizzie and I both really love Block A, and I'm in love with balconies, so mah just move to the same place la.
Thing is I'm wondering if I should take the master bedroom for myself. You know me la, I'm a packrat, I just amass stuff, you know what I mean? I really need the extra room la, haha, but then... the master bedroom only has this puny windows that doesn't allow much sunlight to come in! That's no fun. So... dunno la, heh.
Oh I just realised that I had, like, 4 las in that one paragraph. What terrible English. :D
Going to go check out the apartment later, by the way.
Just fyi, the end of semester is fast approaching. It's only about a month away. That's four weeks, me, 2 garments, 1 batik, 3 computer graphics, many presentation boards and 1 journal to complete. So wish me luck, and take note that I probably won't be updating frequently.
Not that I update that frequently as it is. ;)
Gotta run. Stomach is being mean to me. I need to use the toilet.
But you didn't need to know that, did you? :D
1day 1God was the most amazing event ever!
It ranks right on top with some amazing youth camps I've attended. But what was cooler bout 1day was the fact that we didn't need a camp atmosphere to get 'hyped' up; not when we'd been preparing for it spiritually for a month. :P
I left for church super early on Saturday for a music practice session because I was on Nai Yee's team for the afternoon worship session. We had a practice from 11am+ till around 12.30pm when we had to stop because people were starting to arrive.
We started at 1pm. Two fast songs before PC spoke for awhile. She exhorted us in typical PC manner (her last sermon for SNL? Fuiyoh, keng chao. Take knife, stab through heart, twist it around, yank it out, calmly put it into her pocket, then gave us that gorgeous PC-smile and went 'I'm not scolding you guys ah!' Fui.)
Worshipped for a long, long time after PC spoke. It was an amazing session, really. We had this great time of coming before God again and putting Him first in everything.
I distinctly remember something PC said: 'It's a day for God today. So it's not 'God-help-me-with-this' day or 'God-I'm-so-sad' day, but rather it is a 'God, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU?' day!'
God Factor after that where we broke up into groups and went to different places to eat and discuss. We got the section on 'Jehovah Rohe' - The Lord is my shepherd. So we discussed about it over a Quarter Meal at Kenny Rogers Sunway Pyramid.
I was in Lai Kuan's group!
We decided to do a little skit thing on how the Lord is our good Shepherd, but some people just refuse to listen to the Shepherd's voice. It was great! But dunno how to explain la, haha.
Then we had a marathon 1a.m. concert! Can you imagine, 7.30pm till 12.30am? 1am rocks big time! was just great! Obviously it wasn't the whole time la, it was broken up by a few skits and plays in between. But it was still amazing! Terence was busy, so Ade took over the drums and Neil from 1am youth (go Neil!) stood in for acoustic guitars. We had the maestro keyboard player, KG with the Karma and his lovely Yamaha synthesizer while Kel was, as usual, at the Triton. Everyone else sama saja. :)
This concert confirmed that PC's voice is really, really back! It's been worrying, kind of la, after she lost her voice post-album launch, but her faith's been sperb,and she's really, really been healed! I'm super glad, personally, because I'm a huge fan of her voice. Teehee.
Oh yes my, I must add that we had THREE salvations for our LUCT side. I am so, so, so glad because, well, they got saved la! Who's not happy? Even HEAVEN rejoices okay!
So let's see, who got welcomed into Christ's and ECF's family?
1. BadBoyJoe. Joe has been with us forEVER, but he's one of those who really need to know about something before they accept it. God doesn't disappoint, and he answers those who ask with a sincere heart. I'm so happy for Joe!
2. Kevin Indonesia. Teehee. I only met him Friday night when our PKL Outreach group went over to Bee Sean's place in Vista Millenium to play Mafia with a bunch of people. He was there! We got to know each other, he came...and the rest is history. Christ works in mysterious ways.
3. Arifin Indonesia. He came last week for SNL and was so amazed by it! Mafia again on Friday night, then 1Day 1God on Saturday was more than enough for him to see hat an AMAZING GOD we serve!
I am so, so happy at the salvations! However, I keep reminding myself that them getting saved is the easy part; getting them to be discipled and grow is the more challenging one. But by God's grace, we can do it!
I am so happy that our LUCT group is bearing more fruit! The girls side have 3 tiers already, while they have 2 tiers at the guys'. The tiers don't include our top ka che and tai lo Ally and Bern. :D
I promise pictures of 1Day! I have got some amazing amazing pictures, especially one superb one which has most of us LUCT students in it!
I pray so, so hard that the fire from this will not go out. All too often have I seen cases where groups get highafter a camp/wtv but then grow stagnant for awhile till the next 'big thing' hapens. It shouldn't be this way! But thank God we are doing okay here. It must be the discipleship and the culture here. Heh.
Ah I gotta run. I have not done my Purple Book and there's discipleship at 7.00pm tomorrow at church before Corporate Intercession! Eek.
No class later! But I've to do my pattern. I shall do it at home! I have an aversion towards going to college. Lol. I wonder why...
Oh on another note (sorry for this terribly long and complicated post, it's 2.30am after all, and I'm entitled to write in the Carol manner where everything's just jumbled up, thank you) I was at Sungai Wang today with Lizzie. I saw someone which I thought looked like my cousin Josiah...then came back and realised it prolly WAS him! What on earth is he doing working 8 hours selling handphones in Sungai Wang?! Haha must be the parents ask...keke...
Bought a USB hub in Low Yat...I love peripherals! I wanted to get the same Altec Lansing headphones I got for Feli but realised I don't need it at the moment. Btw, stop complaining about the colour, chabo! Haha.... you go down to Low Yat yourself next time la! 3 hours to and fro with bus okay! Teehee.
Oh and I touched the iPod nano. It is beyond beautiful. It is a super-sexy music player. Gorgeousness pod-ified. LOVELY! Someone please buy it for me! After all, it is *only* RM969 for a 2GB version! Nano nano nano!!!!!!!!
Okay okay I'll leave. Sorry for boring you to tears, but I just wasn't in the mood to think up anything that would entertain you. This post was more to entertain ME! :P
Oh so apparently that entry didn't get eaten up! Haha...
On another note, I Not Stupid was a fantastic show. So Singaporean. Eh, don't laugh at me for only watching it now okay? :P
I have officially seen the original perpetrator of the quote: Terrigible horrigible Vegetable!
I had a nice entry written up yesterday night while I was at Max's but the horrible Streamyx connection then ate it up. :(
I hate it when my entries get eaten up. But then who doesn't?
So anyway, I had my first (in a sense la) fashion show yesterday for my semester's cheongsam project.
It went good! Not that it was utterly spectacular or anything along those lines, but it wasn't bad for a bunch of first-time show planners okay? :D
Arystle was a fantastic model. Utterly professional in her poses and attitude. Not easy to find undiva-like models. And trust me, there are so models (yes, even if they're just college models) that are super high-maintainence. Those kind? Can die ah.
But Arys is quite a pro, plus she models for Faces magazine as well! She was super cooperative, came in for so many fittings and bore with an itchy neck for a reason I wouldn't elaborate on. :P
The whole atmosphere of a fashion show was...electric. The jitters beforehand when I was making final adjustments to the garment, doing her makeup and hair, waiting like mad for the show to please-just-begin-so-we-can-get-it-over-and-done-with.
Then when my model walked out with your garment on, I just felt so satisfied and happy though I know where all the (hidden) flaws of the garment were. Hee.
And for the finale when everyone walks out, and I walked one round with Arystle and the whole sensation was All the jitters etc just left me as I walked with confidence, smiling at Arystle while complimenting her on a job well done and at the spectators.
Then when we reached the lecturers and I took my bow....
All the picture sessions after that, with everyone.....
I love what I'm doing. I really do. I'd rather be up every night till insane hours (which I am memang doing anyway) doing my sewing than, say, studying organic Chemistry (no barbs meant here, heh) or whatever else.
Except maybe law la hor? :P
That was just the beginning la. I still have two crazy garments to complete by the end of the semester, which, by the way, is a mere 5 weeks away. Oi pattern pun belum habis la sure die! :(
Nah, don't worry. This semester wouldn't be like last semester. Really. I promise.
Eh busy d. Hi meimei. I need to
I promise pictures of the fashion show on my Multiply really soon! :D
The cheongsam fashion show went well! Not spectacular, but not bad for first-timers okay? :) I promise photos real soon.
Arystle looked great. But then she's a natural model. She models for Faces mag, by the way. Will be buying her a gift as a sign of appreciation. She was so super-cooperative! And models like these are hard to come by. Wonderful girl.
Genevieve from YOF just called me. She wanted me to teach her piano because her piano teacher's on maternity leave for three months. I laughed and told her that she wouldn't want me to do so because I'm not good at taugeh-note playing. Ask anyone. I'm a borderline ABRSM student! Just pass pass nia. What I can do for worship songs, it's really by the grace of God.
If she were like Grade 3 probably can la. But Grade 6 wor! Mana boleh! Haha my theory summore halfway grade 6 only. Figured bass and I are sworn enemies for life.....
So I recommended Carolyn Lee a.k.a Lyn Lee. She's a certified piano teacher ler. If I were to continue my piano and (finally) finish my grade 8 I'd ask her. But neither do I have the time nor the instrument necessary. That Yamaha keyboard I have? What a joke. No piano touch one.
But I'm digressing. My original point was supposed to be how happy I am that Genevieve actually called me. And after we were through with the piano thing we started talking bout other things like school and stuff. I really love these girls from YOF. She's 14, by the way. Therefore talking to her is practically like talking to my sis (Hi meimei! Haha...) who's 13. Besides, it wasn't that long ago that I was in school. :P
It's so fulfilling to serve in YOF, really. I really want to see these 11-14 year olds get their lives right before they head into the big bad world of college and high(er) school. I do want to disciple them, I mean, I'm just helping out in YOF at the moment. PC asked me if I were ready to disciple them but I said I didn't think so because I'm still trying to coordinate my college girls etc, so I didn't think I'd be able to do it properly. Maybe when I learn to manage my time more effectively. Then I'd definitely take up the challenge.
Whah but really ah, I am really not in a condition to lead so many people at the moment. I have 5 girls in total to care for, 3 under me, and the other 2 under one of my girls, so I still have lots to learn. And lots of pruning to go through. We'll see after that.
You see, like we learnt in discipleship yday with Ally, pruning happens so that the branches that are bearing fruit already would bear more and better fruit! Don't you want to bear better fruit? I sure want to! That's why I allow God to prune away my old self, habits etc. It's hard, but I recognise that the end results are more than worth it. How do I know it? I look around at my leaders who have undergone pruning and see the fruit they are bearing now, and I really want to be like them! :D
Anyway, 1Day 1God is this Saturday! I am so looking forward to spending 12 whole hours of soaking in God's presence. 1pm to 1am, how cool can it get, I ask you? :) I can see a turning point up right ahead for us fron LUCT.....
Hard work, right up ahead. It's only about 5 weeks to the end of the semester and my pattern also belum habis. I shouldn't even be here in Max's place, really, but...I needed to check my mail. Really. Elaine would understand, haha.
Speaking of which, adults can be so, so weird. Please God, don't let me be like these certain individuals in the future! It's so ungodly...
Anyway. Loads of work. Gonna sew and watch I not Stupid with Max and the rest. He wants to watch it, though I think he has...before. Therefore. I. Shall. Take. My. Leave. Now.
Look out for the photos! :)
Random thought: Isn't it funny how another girl whom you perceive could be having an unspoken rivalry with you can bring out the total cattiness in yourself which is usually quite well controlled?
*Clears throat*
Hello everyone. Before I begin anything, I will make it clear here that I will not be blogging anything about things which are in the past. And that is because I personally believe that we should let bygones be bygones. However, I will also admit that everyone has their own personal journey to walk, so it really depends on yourself la hor?
Anyway. I am really quite the exhausted here because for the past few nights I've been doing my part-time job. The job volunteer work has been ending at an average of 4am every day since Tuesday, with it ending yesterday at a whopping 5.30am. Grrrr.
Really, why am I so nice? Ahahaha.....
So. What has been going on, you ask? (That is, if you're even interested la hor? :P)
It's been quite busy, with me doing the finishings for my cheongsam show. So I really thank God that He's graced me to get through this week. Due to some very nice rescheduling, I'm off Chinese service duty for the next two weeks! So happy! Heh... because that means that next Sunday, I will have one of my rare chances to sleep in! Do you have any idea how long it's been since I last had a sleep in? Ages, i tell you. I'm on the schedule for Chinese once every two weeks, plus those weeks in which I'm not on, I will also have YOF (Youth on Fire). So never have chance to sleep in la! Saturdays the same. Quite sad la, because I've not have enough time to catch up with my beloved sleep.
Eh, but don't get me wrong okay. I love, love, love serving in the Chinese zone. They've really opened my eyes to a lot of things, and the songs are very nice lei, albeit very 'chinesy', if you get what I mean.
And those extremely adorably lovable 11-14yr olds I work with in YOF? I heart them. They're so cute. :D
Anyway, Deborah and I are swapping instruments again this Saturday! Hooray! More synth time for me! Hehe.. I was on the piano for a whole month in September. That rocked, but it was harder to really worship lor, cos you know la, the piano's playing amost 24/7. But synth lei...that's a different story. Sometimes play, sometimes don't play. So fun. Can worship as well... and make amazing, amazing sounds come out from the beautiful Karma.
Btw Lyne, watch the Look To You VCD carefully right... then you'd notice that the Asian keyboardist for United is playing a Karma on top! Teehee.
Went down to KL yesterday. We had a store visit to the newly-revamped Starhill Gallery and oh my goodness, is that place beautiful or what! I took loads of pictures, including exclusive, only-for-me pictures of the DKNY store (I got permission from the store manager! Otherwise jangan harap they let you take piccie!)It's gorgeous. Stepping into Starhill is really like stepping into another world. This has increased my level of respect for Francis Yeoh and YTL Corp by a good few notches.
Bought 2 pairs of shoes. One pair of red heels for Arystle to wear during the show, and one pair of denim heels for myself. I got a free watch in the process because I spent above RM100. Now dear sister, before you go running to Mummy and Daddy about that, allow me to mention that it was completely necessary for me to buy the shoes. :P
Vincci rocks. May I also mention the fact that since my shoes fetish (courtesy of my mum!) started last July I've since acquired..uhms..6 pairs of heels? Yeah. I think so. So it brings my total shoe count (including cross-trainers and such la hor) to a grand total of 11, I think. Not that much yet, but I strongly suspect that over the years, in the whole grand scheme of things you'd see me collecting shoes like I used to collect, uh, stamps.
I should take a picture of all my shoes! :D
Righty. I need to continue my drafting. I just realised that I only have about 6 weeks left before the semester ends. And that's a scary thought.
Oh by the way, nothing much to write also, though many personal things have been happening. It's way too personal, so they all went into my beautiful physical diary. I've been writing a LOT in it! :D
Now don't you wish you could get your hands on it? Eheks.... :P
And the story continues....
Carol looked wearily at Febricol, The Detective of Lost Noses. "It's okay, Febricol. You've tried your best, really. I'm glad you've found Nose, but I also understand that it'll probably take him some time to decide to return to me."
Febricol looked distraught, "I tried convincing him to come back, I really did," he said. "But he just wouldn't listen!,"
"It's alright, Febricol. You've done your part, and I thank you so much. You can leave now... there are plenty of other Lost Noses to track down outside there. I trust that my Nose would decide to return onhis own accord," replied Carol.
So Febricol took his leave. As he walked away, Nose, who was hiding nearby was in shock. What? Carol didn't want to force him to return? Something pricked at his conscience but he brushed it away. He would not return to Carol, no!
As Carol stood in the worship sanctuary of ECF, listening to PC exhorting the people to commit all to God, her heart ached. It ached because there was such a turmoil of feelings all mixed up inside of her. She felt so upset because all sorts of emotions which were so darned wrong were disturbing her. As a result, she couldn't concentrate properly in anything that she was doing. Carol pleaded with God to please take those emotions away, but Heaven's ears seemed to be shut on her.
Even after music practice, the heaviness in her heart didn't leave. It had come to such a point whereby she felt as though a 3-ton weight had been dropped onto it. She sat on the sofa in the church office and buried her head in her knees. She had to get right with God, especially since she was supposed to disciple in an hour's time.
As Carol prayed hard and wept, Nose watched her from a distance. This time, he really felt rotten to the core. Carol was having such a hard time enough as it was, and here he was, being a stubborn, prideful Nose who refused to return to her. It wasn't as if Carol was such a bad master. She was a lovely one! It was at that moment that Nose decided to return to Carol.
When Carol finally lifted up her tear-stained face as she prepared to go home, she noticed that Nose seemed to have returned. "Thanks, Nose, for coming back when I need you so much," she whispered hoarsely. (You know la, how people's voice sound like post-crying)
Carol then proceeded to go home, have a packet of Indomee and share about Lordship. What an apt topic, she realised, especially after the week which had required her to submit and crucify herself to the Lordship of Christ so much!