I'm happy again! Because I just looked at the beautiful photos I took during Christmas and these past few days!
I shall now proceed to share my joy with you! :P
However, since Blogger has been Very Mean lately, I regret to inform you that I have not uploaded it here. But fret not, head over to my ever-reliable Multiply and enjoy yourself there. You can even rip the photos from me! :)
Of course, there'll be more pictures up. Soon la, very soon.
And here's a gigantic HUG to those people who played a part in making those pictures more beautiful. :) Love, love, LOVE each and everyone of you wonderful people!
And come to think of it, I suspect this is my last entry of 2005.
Happy New Year 2006, everyone! May it be a year full of GREAT and EFFECTIVE open doors! :D And thank you for making 2005 so, so memorable!
On a slightly more melancholic note.... (lack for a better adjective, honestly)
I got those little feelings from my past today... little feelings of - how shall we put this - rejection? Exclusion? I don't know how to describe it, but well, I just felt that way la. I know they didn't mean to make me feel this way... so I'm really working on not being bugged by it.
What do I mean by that?
Let's just say tomorrow is New Year's Eve and I have no idea whatsoever where I'll be where 2006 bids us hello. Nor do I know whom I'll be with. I don't know whether I'll be going anywhere on New Year's Day itself (though others are) and frankly speaking, it sucks big time.
Didn't really think it would be this way, but I suppose I'm just really not so there yet.
I'm sorry, but I don't like the feeling of being a second thought.
Like those times you guys went for movies without me. Oh, I know there were very valid reasons for those times, you know, lack of car space etc but one does wonder, if you really wanted me to go, somehow, someway, there'd be a car space for me, right?
I sound so mean. I'm sorry. :(
All those events! Things! Places!
The fact that the end of the year is tomorrow is really causing me to think a lot. I dunno la, but I suppose wounds from secondary school have not really gone away.....
Lyne, I think you'd know what I'm talking about - to some extent, that is.
Don't get me wrong - I am exceedingly happy here. I do feel loved here, I feel so free! But things are different, I suppose, because after all, I haven't been here for that long. So probably I'm still not in yet, whatever that means.
Never was in during sec school... all those times when I was groupless during projects and had to hunt around for a group which will please take me in otherwise I'd have no marks!
I regret slacking in F4, really. If I hadn't I wouldn't have been streamed down into Sc2! (Cried for weeks, by the way) Oh I enjoyed my year there all right - not as stressed as how it would have been in the top class, got to meet fab people like Sam, but well, you know, in a new class, everyone's all grouped up already. Fine, cliqued up, happy?
And the fact that the girl from a Chinese pri school who was among the last to enter the class in Form 1 never really had her own group didn't help. You see, she was always floating from group to group. They loved her, both groups did, but there wasn't really any space for her.
At least that's how she perceives it.
I understand it's been a pretty solemn entry, and I apologise. I'm seldom this way. But the thoughts are floating around and they wouldn't be going away anytime soon so bear with it for a while k? Thanks.....
Eheks. I suppose... yes, I think I'll do this again. *Deep breath*
Hi WenHao! Hi Yean Ching!
I had no idea, frankly speaking, that you guys would find this site. Oh, I suppose it was to be inevitable, after all, I'm asking for it, considering that this is the Big Bad World of the Internet right? Ah well... :) But all is well.
Well. Am sitting in Lyne's aunty's apartment. We came here, originally wanting to just let her take some stuff, but I later persuaded Lyne to stay and just be here because her aunt was just discharged from the hospital today...
Today was shopping day!
Despite some initial hiccups in our plans of leaving early for KL (let's just say family issues were involved), we finally started shopping. Headed to IOI first to allow her to get her contacts fixed in EOG, after which we headed to the third floor of IOI where Nichii Fashion CIty just opened not too long ago.
I am uttely in love with the clothes there. Oh the woes of being broke! I could go on and on about the lovely clothes I saw there and so, so, wanted to buy, but I wouldn't bore you. Let's just say that my eyes were especially on this lovely black top with turqoise beads and sequins, as well as this beautiful flared skirt...
Anyway. After Nichii (Lyne bought stuff there! Yay!), we headed for the Reject Shop, where I could FINALLY shop, but only because I had an RM50 voucher with me. Bought a new pair of jeans - rejected Gap jeans, methinks - that was super cheap AND gorgeous.
I love shopping.
After a simple dinner of sorts, we finally headed down to KLCC. ZARA! Oh my goodness, ZARA! I saw this absolutely gorgeous winter coat there that cost RM399 and immediately regretted letting my mum do my winter coat shopping for me.... It was a white wintercoat with wool trimming, and was at that perfect length - the knees. Can you imagine how gorgeous it was?! And I couldn't buy it! *cries* *sobs*
Oh the devastation I felt! (Ekeke, dramanya....)
There were nice jeans in Topshop as well. But they were super low-rise. Nah.... not my kind of jeans.
KLCC was rather rushed though, as Lyne had arranged for her cousin to pick us up around 9.30pm. So we didn't get in enough shopping. We're going again tomorrow, if all things go well. KLCC, then probably Canaanland so she can pick up some good books and CDs. Then SNL!
Got many more things, but I'll make that another entry. Cheers.
Ehehe. I must do this. :D
HI JAY!!!!!!
But how and where on earth did you dicover this site anyway...? I don't exactly publicise, you know what I mean? Lol.. heh.
Anyway, stayed over in Hanna's yesterday. It was extremely impromptu and very unplanned... after all, the plan was just to go Midvalley to shop lei.. but oh well. It was fun and interesting anyways. :)
Left around noon with a cab to go church to help take down the deco. Lyne was with me. Oh, I must mention this...
Lyne, thanks so much for being so supportive and sporting. I know you wanted to shop and do a million things.. but I had so many commitments. But I thank you for being ever-so-supportive, helping us even with the deco... being with me through music practice.. the next few days we really go all out and shop okay? Even though I, am flat broke. Like really flat broke. Sigh.
We're planning to go down to KL tomorrow, around the Golden Triangle. Lyne wants and deserves to shop (she has barely bought ANYTHING this past week lei!), so we're gonna walk around, and visit Starhill Gallery... basically do touristy stuff. Yay.
I've got a million and one things I'm brimming over with that I want to write about... let the world know... but Caution is advising me against it. I think I need some time to sort everything out though. I don't want to do anything dumb. Lately, I've been doing so many dumb things, if I were to do anymore, the Ministry of Education would make me go back to kindergarten. So we will play this game carefully okay?
Happier things ahead. Well, maybe not so. You'll see why.
I saw lovely, lovely shoes in Midvalley yesterday! This lovely pair in nose, those Lewre rattan wedges I've loved for ever-so-long. But it would be oh-so-extravagant to buy them, considering that I just bought a new pair of heels (so lovely, pink and sweet) Sides, I had no money. How sad. :D How, you tell me?
Then I saw nice clothes in MNG. (yes, you read right, the very brand I've detested for so long because everyone wears it - how boring) It was this winter jacket that was sleeveless, warm and reversible. I did try asking my mum if I could please buy it since we're going to the States at the end of winter so it'll be freezing anyway, but I didn't get the parental nod. Sniffles.
Met up with ALBERT! Albert whom I've not seen since last year (and apparently, who hasn't cut his hair in that duration also). ALbert~!! :P I don't agree with the goatee and sideburns though. But to each his own. :P
Anyway Hanna treated us to DOME drinks, because she has too many bean points. Sat, chatted, laughed, and took photographs until Hanna went 'OI! Okay! Enough photos!'
When we came out from MPH Hanna bumped into Az Samad and a very jet-lagged Shelley Leong. They talked for a while. Hanna's quite the girl-about-town isn't she? :D
Right. Enough yakking. This has been a very random, very here-and-there post. But when a person is deep in thought, s(he) doesn't exactly have enough space to write in a profound manner, does she now? Maybe when she recollects her thoughts.
And in her attempt to do so, she will now try to persuade her friends to go yum cha. Teh ais always makes her that much happier, anyway.
Blog Entry – 27 December 2005
Yesterday, we went for another family dinner, this time with the family of my second aunt. It was good fun. We had Yong Tau Foo and various other dishes in a restaurant near my grandma’s place.
However, that is not the point.
My cousin, ChingYaw sent us back. And seeing that my parents are currently interested in investing around Puchong, he brought us for a drive through some parts of Puchong. We saw houses, apartments, condominiums – both completed and uncompleted. Rows and rows of cars parked outside the apartments, thousands upon thousands of brightly lit windows in the dark of the night, and that was when it hit me.
So many people here in Puchong.
Stats show that there are around half a million people living in this fast-developing area of Puchong. 500,000 people. Why, Kuching only has 700,000+ people! As I realized the magnitude of this fact, there was only one thing going through my mind:
So many of this people need God. And yet they don’t know Him. They don’t know about this God that is intensely searching for them.
And that really broke my heart. What do we have right now in the church – 300 people, maybe? Out of how many? Why, that’s barely 0.0006% of the population! And count in the fact that lots of the people in church are from neighbouring areas like Damansara, PJ, Subang and KL. What about the people from Puchong? Still quite minute, in my opinion.
I want to see Puchong reached for Christ. I don’t care what you are going to say about me. Call me anything you want, all I know is that I have a higher and greater calling – to make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. [See Matthew 28:19] I don’t know about all the nations where I’m concerned, but I know that it is my responsibility to reach out to where I am – my neighbours. Puchong, LUCT… these are all where I’m called to reach out to. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, I don’t know what to do, but I know that with God guiding me through this, I’ll be able to do to the best of my abilities.
I live to honour, serve, and please only one person.
My parents and sister are going back tomorrow. Heh.
In the period of this one week or so, several fights have erupted (sigh), loads of places have been visited, loads of money spent on taxi fare... and shopping.
I officially have my new wardrobe, for starters. As well as a corkboard from IKEA to pin up all my treasured notes from other people. :)
I also had two checkups to determine my suitability for Lasik. Basically, I am quite a suitable candidate, just that the doctor thinks I should give it another year or so; just to let my degree really stabilise, allow puberty to end (there's a chance for my to grow taller! Yay!!!), and hopefully see that my corneal thickness increases. Right now, it's pretty much at his borderline, at around 285microns. But time is on my side, he says. Btw, if you are contemplating Lasik, go Vista Vision in The Curve @ Mutiara Damansara! It's so good! Plus it's the largest Lasik centre in Malaysia lei..:P Nevermind, I will be without my glasses in a year or so! I don't mind the wait! :D
Christmas celebration was beyond great... I was so, so happy here during Christmas!Really, I can't remember the last Christmas I had that was so joy-filled! I received loads of presents (keke, mostly chocolate) and gave out quite a bit of presents as well. And I loved the giving part! Truly, it is so blessed to give! :D
Well, they say pictures speak more than a thousand words, so I will attempt to communicate my Christmas in picture-form:
Picture 1: The African sisters singing a capella. How their voices blend together so harmoniously is beyond my powers of comprehension. Beautiful.....
Picture 2: Wen Hao, I and Jay. Two extremely sweet brothers from IMU. :) They're nice la, the both of them. Heh. *hugs*
Picture 3: Yean Ching and I. Ching! We were going to do those normal shots when she said it'll be nicer to hug. I complied... and after the photo was taken... I noticed Sewei hanging in the background. Muka tebal. :P
Picture 4: Lyne and I. Lyne went to church 3 days in a row! Hehehe.... :D
Picture 5: Bernard and I. Bern is *coughs* taller than me only in this picture. ;) Teehee.
Picture 6: My family with Pastor Tim. As usual, pastor delivered a dynamic, humourous, yet full-of-truth message.
Picture 7: My family (excluding me) with PC. Pretty in pink! :)
Then later on in the evening, we went for a family Christmas dinner with my cousins, aunts and uncles. Not everyone went though.
Picture 8: The cousins together. I wurve wurve wurve 'em all! :D
Anyway, too many things have happened to be able to properly put them all on at once. Sharon says I have too many words, plus I don't want to use Max's laptop for too long. I will load more pictures into my Multiply, as usual. Once I get a chance to do so.
Till then, a very belated Christmas greeting from me! Remember, we are the reason that He gave His life.....
Note: The stupid Blogger refused to publish my pictures. MEAN! Will upload another time. Meanwhile, tease your imaginations by wondering what the pictures look like...:P
Sitting in computer lab in college with my mum. Haha. Can you believe it? Lol...
Anyway, just came up to college with my mum to update some financial stuff. Transportation was graciously provided by the now cooler-looking *gags* Bernard Chia.. :P
Going down to meet Lyne later. She's coming with her cousin, so I think it's a better idea for us to meet in church (I want to check on the deco) before proceeding to go to Pyramid for a haircut, maybe a movie? I dunno... we see how lar.
Actually I really want to be in church tonight for the first day of production, but I really don't know if it's possible. I really hope so though! I really, really hope loads and loads of people turn up for this, because it's superb! So much effort has gone into this whole production! :) I am so, so proud of everyone. Sure, at the moment they might be a little nervous (haha Mei Fung and Arthur messed up their lines quite some yesterday night during the full-dress rehearsal) but I know they'll all rock tonight. :) As well as everyone else.
Went down to The Curve in Mutiara Damansara yesterday to check out Vista Vision. Considering, just considering getting Lasik done. But nothing's confirmed yet. I have a prelim checkup next Tuesday. We'll see how this goes.
I managed to get in 6hours sleep yesterday night, mainly because I couldn't take the sleep deprivation anymore. I have been sleeping less than two hours every night, with hour-long naps snatched whenever possible. As a result, my ugly side has been showing. I've been cranky, crabby, mean, short-tempered etc... like I've mentioned before, I'm very emotionally fragile.... so I had to sleep.
Anyway, gotta leave. Bern's chaoing already. Free ride! Lol..keke... :P
19 December 2005 (blog entry)
Lizzie left for home in Indonesia yesterday. :( I miss her. :(( [Ha if you're reading this, blush! lol..keke.. *whacks Lizzie*]
Anyway, I just got back from church. Actually, we finished all the deco work yesterday night, I mean, this morning at 3am. The snowflakes hanging from the ceiling look fab. Two full days of work, cutting styrofoam, paper, gluing, hanging them up.. the works! In fact, we stayed in church till 6.00am Saturday morning doing the work. That’s considering we worked since 6.00pm, after we were done running around Puchong and PJ for the items. Consider this: Bandar Bkt Puchong – Tesco Puchong – Taman Mayang – IOI Puchong. That’s practically half the LDP okay!So if you were to see the church during Christmas, you had better say how much you love the deco OR ELSE!!!!. Heh.
Went down to KL, specifically Petaling Street with Sewei today to pick up items for the production, and some extra deco items as well. Bought stuff from Macy's - feathers and the works. Got caught in the rain, got my shoes soaking wet.. But it was fun! :D
When in Petaling Street, Sewei bought a white rat to feed the king snake she's helping someone take care of. So I got to watch a National Geographic Special live, right from Sewei's house! Seeing the snake dart around trying to catch the mouse (snake was actually rather dumb..) then finally getting its prey, sinking its fangs into it, coiling its powerfully muscular body around the poor creature, and finally devouring it... wow. Snakes are weirdly fascinating. But only from behind a pane of glass, thank you.
So like I said, I was in church this evening. Not that I did much, basically I watched them rehearse the production (it rocks big time, so you had better not miss it!), then Tefo and I ended up helping Bern with the lighting. Once again, not that I felt I was of much help, lol.
It's funny la, how God works. If everything had gone according to plan, I wouldn't be in KL right now. I'd be somewhere in New Zealand watching sheep (haha) and only returning the night before the production. And if I had been in New Zealand, I wouldn't have managed to help out with the deco and stuff like that. Wouldn't have had this chance to get to know people like Tefo and Bernard better. These two brothers of mine rock big, big time. They are hilariously stupid, kidding. Nah, they're just fun. They really make me laugh, and God knows I lack those people here. I mean, I've always known them, but never really had a chance to work this closely with them. Sewei and Judy? Pfft... haha kidding. I love my sistas.
On a slightly more jakun note, I got a chance to drive Bern's E200K today! Uhms. Sort of la. He was doing lighting and wanted to move the car closer to the side stairs, I was going to the car to get his Oakleys so yealah. Smooth. Power. The side mirrors automatically adjust to show the ground when you put the car in reverse! *big time jakunism* Forget the fact that I had no idea that to put on the handbrake you need to step on some thing next to the brake and to switch on the headlights you need to press a button on your side. :)
My parents are coming tomorrow night (Tuesday)! Which means that I need to clean up tomorrow morning before my mum arrives. Besides, I want the apartment to look its best for Christmas. My first Christmas in this apartment, in KL...! So yes, cleaning the house tomorrow morning, then going off to church around 1pm to do more deco. We'll be spraying patterns on the glass and stuff - Max's idea, as approved by PC. [Like Bern put it, there’s only one main person we need to impress, us deco people. Who, you ask? Who else? The prettiest cat in the ECF family la that’s who, haha.] And a little bit more deco upstairs, which is where we'll be hosting the people after the production. I am so excited! Rushing back at night to greet my parents, who'd prolly be arriving at the apartment around 10ish-11pm.
Visa application for the States in Jln Ampang on Wednesday morning. The plan is that we go apply for the visa, then I drag my parents to KLCC to shop and hopefully watch a movie together? I can't remember the last time we went to the movies together.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I also need to mail off Christmas cards, especially to the kids I took care of during the camp in Segamat. J Darn, have to write Chinese! *Searches in vain for a Chinese dictionary*. Die la this time, keke. ;)
Then Lyne comes on Thursday! *excited smile* Woi, confirm with me your plans okay? As in where you'd be staying the first night etc.
My sister straightened her hair! :P I can't wait to see her. I've missed my meimei. :)
Anyway, things are going real good here. I love this family I'm in. This Christmas production is going to rock. I can't wait for Christmas. But at the same time, it'd be nice if time could drag on a little longer.. I want to savour every moment of this time.
My parents are here. They arrived around 10.45pm. I was still in church then, and had to rush back. :/
'Hurry guys! Bern..faster! We need to go!!!'
My meimei's here too! She straightened her hair...
Right now, I'm sitting in the cyber cafe in Block B. I forgot to get my passport photo with white background taken, so I shot a picture of myself with the camera, did some photoshopping here and there, and brought it down here to be printed. The guy's fixing the size of the photo at the moment.
I have another entry which I did yesterday at home. I'll post it up later...
We're going down to Jln Ampang to apply for our tourist visas to the states tomorrow. The rule of traffic jams, especially during morning rush hour here in KL dictates that we need to leave the house at 6.30am to make it for our 9.20am appointment, of which we need to be there by 8.45am... :/ 6.30am?!
Deco's not completed yet, so I really need to try to see if I can go church at the very least during the evening tomorrow. Final rehearsal for everything's on Thursday, so everything must be done by then. We're very shorthanded tomorrow too, with people like Max and Sam not around because of Christmas at Home in OUG. Bern has summer class in the morning. Judy's not around. Chun Wen is but one person...
But anyway, I'm looking forward to tomorrow because after we go for the interview, I'm planning to bring my parents down to Canaanland opposite KLCC. My sis needs to get a new Bible, plus I promised Bern I'll help him buy a backpack Bible for his bro Bryan, and not to mention, Daryl (not his bro...:P). Money! Haha.....
Right. Gotta run. Production starts on Friday! I am super duper excited!!!!!
Happy 20th birthday, Jason Wong!!!!!
Anyway, I'm sitting in Bern's room at the moment. A bunch of us, speciafically, Judy, Chun Wen, Nic and Tefo decided that we were going to camp out in Bern's place and watch DVDs. Therefore we did. Snatch, to be exact. Starring Benicio del Toro, Brad Pitt, and more F-words in the entire 2 hours than I could count.
Stupidly funny, though. I'll give it that much. Definitely ain't much on an intelligent show, though.
We are supposed to wake up in 3 hours time for a dim sum breakfast, us great planners. However, I've hung out with these people enough to know that they (including me la), make wonderful plans that never (most of the time) happen.
I've been spending the past couple of nights since Tuesday in my grandma's place. Lizzie was off at Singapore, Max at PD with Steven for some youth camp, which basically left the Prima area empty. Besides, I needed some TLC, pampering, Astro-use... you get the picture. So I made my way home.
Eh, don't lah give me that look. I don't go home just for that alright. But I gotta admit that it was partially so... there's no place like home ok? :)
On a slightly sadder note, Daryl's granddad just passed away due to lung cancer. *hugs* Don't worry about it, bro. Just do what you gotta do: be there for your family, comfort your parents, and be the shining light that you are called to be okay? Spread the love of Christ in this sad time.
I got a word while doing my QT just now, from 1Samuel 30: 6. "...David was greatly distressed because the men were talking about stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord"
It really struck me, that one. How when the others were distressed, they talked about stoning David etc. However, though David was distressed, he sought his refuge in the Lord. And that, is the best way to deal with distress, trust me.
So Daryl-boy, don't worry about it okay? Though your family is distress, you seek refuge in the Lord. And after you've gotten your strength, teach them to seek refuge in the Lord. Use this opportunity, kay? Praying hard for you here. You know you've got us back here in spirit, though we can't be physically there for you. *Hugs more*
Well, gotta go crash and sleep. Judy's supposed to be coming up here also la. Where on earth is she? I don't want to be the only one sleeping in the room le....
Note: Most of the photos are in my Multiply. I'm only putting some here, heh.
So Chun Wen and I arrived in Segamat to join Max and Chua last Sunday around 2.30pm after an arduous 3-hour trip aboard a Transnasional bus which had stinky air-con...
The camp was amazing...of the 24-odd teens, 21 either got saved or recommited. So 3 left to go...hehe... However, to talk about the entire camp would be too long and uninteresting for you people, I think, so I'll just mention the important things:

We squashed each other building a pyramid. We wanted to do the cheerleader-style one, but it would have been too difficult, so we resorted to lying down on each other. Oof!

My group came in last. *Cries* But it's okay.. we had a lot of fun!!! :) Thanks to Zhen Dong a.k.a John, the brown-haired monkey wearing white holding the kid.. he is such a super-funny guy!

The 'Dao shi' or group supervisors (that's us!) were all great. Heh. :) Look! They made us pretend to be King Kong...

Everyone went back super-happy after the camp. New friends made, relationship with God strengthened, hurray!

Food in Segamat was amazing.. the Dim Sum, Bak Kut Teh, Cam C... Bee Sean made us eat so much! Heh... Get a load of all that dim sum.. and the bak kut teh.

I almost took revenge on Max for the pool incident, but sadly, he didn't get wet... :)

Bee Sean did such an amazing job as camp commander. This trip was so eye-opening for me. I feel so pushed to grow faster because this girl I'm leading is so special! (And so are the rest. :D)

The city kids in Segamat..... We're such posers le. I think I've been learning how to pose more, haha.
Anyway Segamat rocked la. What with RM1 fried chicken and 20sens satay, it was ony when I was there that I realised what a total city-girl I am. I was going nuts over the cheap things there. Can you believe that a meal for 9 of us cost only RM30.50?! RM0.50 for a glass of iced herbal tea that costs RM1.30 here in KL?! Plus Bee Seans' parents were so hospitable, as were Faith's grandparents. The people were so warm and friendly. I must make a trip back there again. Soon. And this time, it'll be aboard a nicer, newer, Transnasional bus that doesn't stink. Heh.
I am in Melaka at the moment.
Segamat was great! Bee Sean and Faith stuffed us with food. Bak Kut Teh, Tai Chow, and a whole host of other yummylicious things. I gained weight, I think
The camp was amazing too... I think I'll dedicate 2 entries to Segamat, teehee. One would be way too short.
Came down to Melaka today. Daniel drove all the way to Muar to pick us up! What a sweetie.
Had chicken rice balls and satay celup. Melaka is bad for my weight and health as well.
Staying in Joanne's place, while Max and Chun Wen stay in Daniel's.
Fun la. I should explore more of West Malaysia next time.
Going back tomorrow morning after brekkie with everyone. See you back in KL!
Really should leave now. I'm supposed to be spending time with Jo, not Internet Explorer.
Feel very hyper la! :P
I just came back from...uh, a lot of places actually. First SNL... then after that, a bunch of us (Aaron, Lizzie, Chun Wen, Ivan and I) followed Judy to get some stuff for Siao Wei's birthday...
Went to Giant in Kelana Jaya first to buy a slice of cake and some gifts for her... during which I spotted a Burger King (!!!!!!) and sped in there to get the French Chicken meal which I absolutely love... (more than Swiss Mushroom, even! It's the only chicken burger anywhere that I adore!)
Then we went to Siao Wei's place in Bandar Utama where we surprised her with the cakes and gifts... she was so touched! Hehe... Siao Wei's a very adorable girl la.
WIth all that done, we proceeded to eat in 'Hawaii' - the Ming Tien foodcourt in Taman Megah. Why 'Hawaii'? Cos their theme there is very Hawaiian...coconut trees and palm trees all around, with the waiters in floral print shirts! Wah. Ming Tien there is like... I dunno, a foodcourt night spot. There was house music booming out from the Heineken/Carlsberg/Tiger/whatever stall near where we were... and fascinatingly, there were two Carlsberg girls walking around with a guy who was carrying a flat panel monitor on his back le! Yeah, you read right, a 15" LCD flat panel monitor... they were promoting Carlsberg merchandise, me thinks.
Can you believe - I ate again?! It must be the PMS + hyperness + end of semester joy (I'm digressing here, but last sem, once I handed up everything, it was off to 1U with Jac and Liz for a shopping plus EATING session at Fish & Co. where I stuffed myself as well!). I had a Portuguese grilled fish... 3 slices... RM10. Which means I paid around RM22 for my dinner/supper. RM11ish for BK..and the grilled fish... not including the watermelon medium drink I had.
Yes! Carol stuffed herself today!
Actually I feel very nauseated at the idea of food now... the thought of the BK-grilled fish sitting in my stomach now...lol..
Eh don't get me wrong ah.. all these spending is very rare indeed! My dinners usually don't go above RM6 one...
Anyway, I was super-hyper la! I was yakking yakking yakking non-stop.. talking about goodness-knows-what.. Then laughing about dumb things, goodness...
Conked out on the way back. My highs don't last that long okay.
Leaving via Uncle Taxi for Pudu with Chun Wen tomorrow at 9am. Hope to catch an early bus to Segamat.. where I cn disturb Bee Sean, teehee. And eat Bak Kut Teh - urgh, okay, no more food talk...
Will be gone for around 4-5 days, coming back in time for practice on Thursday, and to celebrate Ally Ka Che's bday on Friday...or whatever day...
Don't miss me too much while I'm gone, heh. ;)
Going back upstairs with Aaron who's going to help me install Need For Speed! Hah! Shower, Pack, and GAME.... oh, okay, QT needed as well.. but man, I really feel like racing today. Then sleep. Or can't wake up tomorrow ma die?
I know I sound super-hyper.. but heh! Don't mind me! And don't mind the numerous exclamation marks! Nah!!!! Lol...teehee...off now. :D
Got this of Hejin's blog. A 15-yr old who writes okay. :)
Anyway, you're supposed to bold the things that apply to you.
i have a cell phone.
i have friends that use me. - actually, they prolly don't, just that maybe sometimes I feel that way.
i am an only child.
i love dangly earrings.
i love cold weather.
i'm obsessed with the computer.
i have shot a gun before.
i can't live without music.
i have no tolerance of ignorant people.
i have ridden on a motorcycle before.
i'll be in this town forever.
i've been to 5 other countries.
i get annoyed easily.
i eventually want kids.
i have neat handwriting.
i have more than a few horrible memories.
i am addicted to chocolate.
i am an atheist.
i love airplane rides.
i love taking pictures.
i hate people who are fake.
i can be mean when i want to.
my parents care about my grades.
one of my best friends is a girl.
i have way too many wallets.
i'm obsessed with lip gloss.
i am easy to talk to.
i would never eat raw fish.
i cry easily.
i hate when people are late.
i procrastinate.
i love winter.
i have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
i love to sleep.
i wish i were smarter.
i'm afraid of flying.
i hate drama.
i bite my nails.
i have been on an 8 hour drive.
i never fight with my parents.
i love the beach.
i have never had the chicken pox.
i have gone out in public in my pajamas. - actually just grocery store downstairs, that count?
i can't control my emotions.
i have a best friend.
i have moved more than once.
i truly love my friends.
i have braces.
i have never broken a bone.
i hate my computer.
i love girls that play the drums.
i state the obvious.
i'm a happy person.
i love to dance.
i love to sing.
i love cleaning my room.
i tend to get jealous very easily.
i love cute underwear.
i love night better than day.
i don't like to study for tests.
i have been on the phone for over 5 hours.
i am too forgiving.
i have horrible sense of direction.
i miss elementary school.
i'm a daddy's boy.
i love the color pink.
i love to sew.
my eye color changes.
i should see a therapist.
i played on a girls sports team.
i become stressed easily.
i hate/detest liars.
i love the smell of rain.
i love my family.
i hate needles.
i am a perfectionist.
i always wanted to learn to play the drums.
i hate the feeling of failure.
i have friends in other countries.
i know how to cook.
i can be quite selfish.
at times, i still act like a little kid.
i have food allergies.
i love to read.
i wish i were more motivated for school.
i love getting stuff in the mail.
i have problems with letting go of old feelings.
i hate being alone.
i love summer.
i love the weekends.
i love black eyeliner.
i think I’m a looker.
i type with one hand.
i live in a one story house.
i wear make-up.
i have never rode on an underground subway.
i can't swim.
i have bad memories.
i go to church.
i sing in the shower.
i hate cheerleaders.
i usually get what i want.
i have been on stage before.
i love roller coasters.
no one knows my full story of my life.
i am close to my parents.
i don't have a curfew.
I am hungry. And I am waiting for Lizzie to come back from IOI with my shredded chicken noodles from Esquire Kitchen.
*Stomach growls hungrily at the thought*
I don't know how I could have forgotten to mention this, but I did anyway, I'm going to make up for it. :P
Lizzie bought me Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes for my birthday le!!!!!! :D
Plum Sykes is...a socialite / contributor to US Vogue... so when I first saw her book in Popular not too long ago, I picked it up, read the first few pages and couldn't stop raving about it. So the smart girl decided to put an end to my misery by buying the book for me, lol... :)
It is a very nice book! Go buy it! Typical chick lit la, but still very nice! Especially if you're interested in the inner workings of the New York fashion / socialite world.
Anyway. Semester is O.F.F.I.C.I.A.L.L.Y over with the handing up of my assignment to my Textiles lecturer. Oh, I know, my dreams of a GPA of 3.5 and above this semester just might as well crash and burn now, but with all that's been happening? Can pass already happy okay. But not PX la please... Got loads of hope against all hopes for Bs.
I can now officialy sleep in...sleep late...and play the Very Addictive Need For Speed Most Wanted that I loaned from Max. As well as the Equally Addictive The Sims 2 which I have delayed installing until now that I loaned from Aaron. And watch multiple episodes of The Simpsons! (Courtesy of Aaron-boy again) Watch movies - both pirated and non-pirated! Harry Potter, that's right! :D
Heh. So I am obviously very happy that I don't need to set foot in the college for a while...
I'm also filling in the visa application form for visiting the US as a tourist. Nothing's confirmed yet, but I just might be heading for LA for a couple of days next year with my family. I hope it works out..... don't know what the family finances are like, but I'll settle for New Zealand if the States plans fall through... I told my dad that as long as my passport gets stamped, my bum gets a rash from sitting too long, and I get to eat at least 2 meals on board the plane, I'm more than happy. :) Not asking too much la hor?
Anyway, tomorrow's still going to be a typical Saturday, what with a YOF meeting, then practice for SNL etc. So no chance just yet to do the sleep-in thing... And then gotta back for Segamat. I can't believe today is Friday. It feels so...unFriday la.
On a sadder note, it's hard to believe how quickly two weeks have passed since my grandma's passing. Life is so short.
I am very happy! Because I handed up all my assignments already! And the lecturers accepted them all! Teehee!!!!!
After slaving away, not knowing night and day for more than a week, I am (more or less) FREE!!!
Okay, next agenda, clean up house.
Lizzie has been amazingly tolerant about what I've made our gorgeous new house into - a tornado-stricken area. During the peak of this afternoon's pre-submission frantics, I messaged her this:
The house is a royal mess. Please don't freak out when you get home.
She said as long as I faster faster clean up (said in a threatening way), it was okay. Heh.
Anyway. I understand that I have not been blogging for some time (loads of work, previous post was ranty), so I will blog happy stuff today! Like how my birthday went last week! Heh.
I arrived back in KL around 10+pm, and rushed off to church for Chinese practice. Yeah, from the airport to ECF. :/ Arrived, hopped off, and left the guys (prearranged d) to help me take my stuff. Including a chair I brought over. That's right, a chair. A nice, maroon-coloured swivel chair imported all the way from my house in Kuching okay!
*Snorts with laughter*
But anyway I'm digressing.
Got a nice Happy Bday sung to me 10minutes before midnight (they read the clock wrongly :P) by Ally, Ade, Chua, Tefo, Nic... and a bunch of other people who were still hanging around church then. Heh.
Judy called from her place to sign me Happy Bday together with Bern, Sewei and I dunno who. :)
Then later around 1+am.... Max, Chiam, Bee Sean, Faith, Aaron, BadBoyJoe, Roy etc came over to my place with some extremely strange things, the photos of which I will post up later....
1. A bunch of notes from Roy and a couple others, stuck on mounting board (which proves we're art students) with (huh?) biscuits stuck on with UHU. Strange. :P
2. A wurvely, lovely bag from Chiamie.... sewn by her la, of course! It's gorgeous!
3. Bee Sean and Faith were mean. They stuffed a Vincci box full of newspaper...wrapped it with more newspaper, and made me rip it open to find... a note that said I'd been punk'd. Then they made me repeat the actions with another box, but this time it had two pairs of lovely earrings in it! Heh. But I still had an entire torn-up edition of The Star lying on my living room floor thanks to them..
Then we played dumb games, talked laugh...and acted stupid. I didn't get thrown into the pool! Hurrah!
Then there was a Campus Champs meeting on Friday evening, where they also celebrated Chris (30Nov) and my (that day) birthday! :D So happy. :D I love being here for bdays, teehee.
Then celebrated Grace's birthday which was a day after mine...
Not to forget, of course, a very special birthday wish to BadBoyJoe... who was born on the same day as me. :) We rock. :P
Hrmmmm I suddenly ran out of inspiration and stuff to write. I guess the exhaustion of the past few days is catching up....
Bern, Liz, Aaron and I went to watch the Zathura mdnight show in Summit USJ yesterday. Wednesday = RM8 tickets so yay! (RM8 for the newer shows, RM6 for older I think. It was a decent show, I suppose, but I still prefer Jumanji.
On the way to Summit, Bern was going quite fast in his 318i while I sat on the nice leather seats wishing that I was the one with my foot on the accelerator... the power that car has is... *drools*....
Yes, yes, I am a speed-affociniado(sp?) now sue me for it. I want a nice power car next time too! :D
Just some quick updates, because I really don't know when's the next time I'll post.
1. Going down to Segamat to help Bee Sean in her Chinese youth camp. Max and Chua leaving on Friday. SNL needs me on Saturday (Deborah can't play either), so I have to go on Sunday. I hope Chun Wen goes on Sunday with me. Brave as I am, traipsing all over KL by myself, the one place I still don't want to go alone to is the ever-freaky Pudu Bus Station. You never know what will happen there.
Meanwhile, I'll be at Segamat for a good few days... for the camp, and maybe help some of the teens there in their studies, and not forgetting, of course, having the famous Segamat Bak Kut Teh... hehe...
2. I couldn't take the weirdness anymore and went to Bern to tell him about how confused and upset I was about the whole situation. He talked to The Guy, brought him up to my place, and we had a very awkward session trying to resolve things. Let's just say that this whole thing didn't just happen... many other things triggered the whole avoidance issue, which I do not want to discuss, plus it's all in the past.
I'm just glad he's gone and I'm here... gives us time to think about this whole thing, and hopefully, pick up the pieces and move on with life. Let's see how mature the both of us are in dealing with the issue, k?
Needless to say, the time when we had to talk was extremely difficult, and painful especially for me. I couldn't look at him properly, he didn't throw a single glance my way the whole time... I don't know about him, but I wish so hard things didn't have to be this way.... Can't we just be happy once again?
3. More happy stuff! ECF is having a cool Christmas production called 'The God You Are Looking For'. If I'm not mistaken, it'll be on the 23Dec (SNL), 24Dec (Sunday), and culminate in a Christmas celebration on the 25th. Yay! More enquiries email them!
Okay no more blabbing. Off to clean house before Lizzie comes back and smashes my head open with a (non-existent) pickaxe!